
Sanmenxia Aoke Chemical Industry Co., Ltd

Add:Chemical Industry Cluster Area of Shan Zhou District(Guanyintang), Sanmenxia, Henan Province, China.
Contact:Mr Zhao ; Mr Chao



Ethyl 3-ethoxypropionate

Synonyms : EEP
CAS-No :763-69-9
Formula :C7H14O3
Molecular Weight : 146.18 g/mol
Molecular structure :
Melting point : -75°C
Boiling point :166.2°C
Flash point : 61°C
Solubility : 1.6 g/100 mL (20 ºC) in water.
Product Specifications:
Item Index
Appearance Colorless liquid
Purity 99.0%min
Water content 0.05%max
Ethanol content 0.1%max
Acid content (acetic acid) 0.02%max
Chromaticity(PT-Co) 15max
Use : It is mainly used in automotives coating ( OEM and Refinish), marine paint, household electrical appliances coatings,screen Printing Ink, other printing ink sand graphic products, slow drying solvent in high class inks, and also for the microelectronics industry (Diluents).
Packaging : 198 kg/ barrel, 190 kg / barrel.
Storage :Airtight store in a cool ventilated dry place, away from the heat, fire, storage temperature should be below 30 °C.


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